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Phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (PC-DC) injections are a popular nonsurgical method to eliminate unwanted fat. Sodium DC is a bile salt, and PC is a glycerophospholipid. Together,
PC-DC has synergistic action, showing lipolytic action when injected subcutaneously. Target
areas include the jawline, submental, upper arms, abdomen, back, flanks, thighs, knee region and calves.

How the procedure Works?
Before injection, a grid is drawn on the treatment area and marked into 1.5 cm squares as
symmetrically as possible. Each 1.5 cm square site receives 0.5 mL of the PC-DC solution.

Dose it have any side effects?

Typical side effects include edema, erythema, pain, stinging or burning sensation, tenderness
to touch, bruising, and temporary nodules or lumps. Nodules typically resolve within 3-4
weeks. Less frequent side effects are itching and brief episodes of facial flushing, nausea,
diarrhea, hyperpigmentation, and contour irregularity. Most of these tend to resolve within one week, with swelling and tenderness sometimes lasting into the second week following treatment.


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